The Puzzle


Jom main puzzle hahaha :) penat aku fikir puzzle ni. Sebab puzzle dulu yang pernah di-create, aku lupa hahaha :D

I + 1/2 of rectangle + Initial of Origami + 22th letter in alphabet + Opposite of 3 + 3/4 of X + 15th letter + 1/2 of O :)

I + Opposite of M + 9th letter in alphabet + (A letter before the letter T) square + 3/4 of X + 15th letter + 1/2 of O :3

Okay tu je sebenarnya haha. Try solve it then :) I'm off. Assalamualaikum.

Resipi: Pavlova


:9 yummm credit to Pakcik Google of course :D

Hola :) cuba try test tengok post title aku hari ni. Whoaaaa *mata besar dengan mulut ternganga*. Pavlova? Natang apa tu? Aku ingin menjadi~ mimpi indah~ dalam tidurmu~ erk? Itu Dealova muahahaa! *bergurau sesaat* Bagi yang dah tahu, dah pernah rasa heaven lah kan? Haha ni aku bagitahu bagi yang tak tahu je ye <--- eh ayat mintak penampar

Pavlova adalah sejenis dessert yang luarnya rangup dan dalamnya lembut macam marshmellow. Rasanya manis. Jadi kena balancekan dengan cream dan strawberry. Sedap dimakan ketika sejuk sejuk. Kalau rajin, bolehlah hias dengan kiwi, blueberry and grapes.
- Menurut Kak Fatin Liyana :D *peace*

Menggila kejap aku hari ni kan? Haha tak pernah pernah post pasal resipi tetiba je kan post. Memang gila sangat la aku hari ni kan? Haha takpe la. Ni semua gara gara Apip. Sila salahkan dia sebab memperkenalkan natang Pavlova ni kat aku hahaha dah kenal Pavlova? Jom belajar buat *mata kelip kelip* <--- ececee ayu la konon *cebik*. Jom tengok!

Yummy :9 credit to Pakcik Google hehehe *peace*


4 Putih Telur
175g Caster Sugar
1 sudu kecil cuka masakan
1 sudu kecil tepung jagung

Whip cream 250g
Strawberry / Blueberry / Kiwi ( Buah buahan yang masam )


1. Pre-heat oven pada suhu 170 darjah celcius

1. Dengan menggunakan mixer, pukul 4 putih telur sehingga berbuih (foamy)
2. Masukkan castor sugar sedikit demi sedikit, dan increase the speed.
3. Semasa masukkan caster sugar, masukkan sekali cuka masakan dan tepung jagung.
4. Pukul sehingga menjadi berkilat dan *bertanduk

* Bertanduk : Apabila kita terbalikkan meringue, ia tidak jatuh daripada bekas mixer

5. Place the baking paper on top of a baking tray (Use only baking paper, do not use any container or mould)
6. Spread the meringue in a circle shape.
7. Bakar selama 30 hingga 40 minit.
8. Apabila sudah masak, bukak pintu oven sedikit dan biarkan ia dalam oven seketika.

1. Dengan menggunakan mixer, pukul whip cream
2. Hias dengan strawberry atau apa-apa buah yang masam.

Credit to Kak Fatin Liyana :)

Okay siap :) actually hari tu ada orang kata kalau aku rajin buatkan la untuk dia. Chehh bagi aku oven satu baru aku buatkan muahaha! Rumah sewa kat sana takde oven :p

BTW tahu tak sebut meringue tu "mereng"? Bukan mereng tau, tapi mereng. Cuba sebut. Mereng. Mereng. Mereng lah! Bukan mereng. Okay sampai sudah tak habis XD Saje je nak bagitau aku reti sebut meringue tu hmmm.

p/s: Apip ada ajar aku buat hari tu. Tapi malas nak taip satu satu. So aku tanya Pakcik Google. Dia link ke blog Kak Fatin so that aku copy je la. So, credit to her :) I'm off. Assalamualaikum.



Ehem ehem semalam dah update blog ni. Lepas tu aku lupa pulak nak cakap pasal result final aku kan? Hehe *tutup muka dengan sengih bersalah* budak result tak seberapa biasa la kan *ptuihh ayat merendah diri la konon kahkah*. Takde rezeki aku nak dapat dekan. Dekan you know? Yang dapat pointer 3.50 and up. Haaa aku? Aku yang pemalas tahap agung ni mana la nak dapat anugerah gilang gemilang macam tu kehkeh. Hurmmmm, tak study kan? Padan muka aku kahkah *jom gelak berjemaah*. Erm, Encik Rafi kata yang dapat dekan nanti ada jemputan untuk AKJ [Anugerah Ketua Jabatan]. Jemputan makan kat hotel. Walawey wa nak jugak hahaha tak layak. Urm, sem dua nanti lah cuba *kelip kelip mata* <--- nampak noh tak ikhlas kay hahahaha seriously padan muka aku tak dapat wakaka

Sepanjang minggu final exam, aku biasa la kan. Maraton movie macam aku bakal menduduki final exam lagi setahun walhal dalam minggu tu jugak. Masa mintak Kak Farah movie, dia siap geleng kepala lagi muahaha! Senonoh punya perangai junior akak ni kan? Boleh buat movie maraton dalam minggu final *peace haha*. Kak Farah boleh la masa tu nak berpoya poya sebab Kak Farah dah habis paper. Sebab Kak Farah final dua paper je. Dah baik la tu boleh dok berangan ingat suami akak kat rumah je wakakaaa <--- sakat Kak farah dengan suami tak abes :p paper ET paling tak boleh blah. Malam tu aku takde mood gegila. Memang takde mood langsung. Rasa nak ngamuk je. So aku tido lepas isyak malam tu. Walhal esok nak exam tu haha perangai aku memang senonoh tahap agung, kau jangan tak tau hehehe memang tak study. Esoknya pukul 10 pagi baru aku start study SATU chapter. Kahkah pukul 2.30 petang dah nak exam pagi tu pukul 10 baru study satu chapter memang senonoh tahap agung perangai aku kehkeh ni la paper paling aku tak study. B- alhamdulillah haha tu la result aku paling teruk, B-. Tapi Math aku pun study pagi hari exam tu tapi takde la terasa bangang macam tu sekali walaupun dapat B+ je. Haish! haha urm, haaa ada dua kot paper aku B-, Electrical Technology dengan Workshop Technology. Tapi Workshop aku study sehari sebelum hari paper. Okay aku tahu tu kira last minute jugak tapi better than ET tadi kan? Huahuaa.

Pointer? Aku target area 3.00 something jugak la. Banyak main kan? Tapi alhamdulillah 3.32. Boleh la walau tak dekan. Budak kelas aku girls semua 3.00 ke atas. Urm, few cingus yang rapat dengan aku ramai dekan okay? Haha okay aku jealous lalalalaa ~ Azeem one of them. 3.52. Glad to know this and congrates kat dia. Mungkin dia study memanjang sebab aku tak kacau menyemak dalam hidup dia sepanjang exam. Aida pun ye jugak. 3.50. Piqa, this kakak! 3.63 pointer dia. Haaa! Another kakak comel! Wany si roomate terchenta. Dia 3.85 wei! Dia ni memang aku tak heran langsung la pointer tinggi melangit. Rajin tahap agung kau tau? Aku balik bilik je lekat kat katil. Dia balik bilik je lekat kat meja study. Wey sumpah kontra aku dengan roomate aku ni muahaha! Kesian dia dapat roomate bawak pengaruh jahat macam aku ni kahkah nasib baik la dia tak terpengaruh hee~ :D siapa lagi ek dekan yang rapat dengan aku? Haa Chek Ku! Tapi pointer dia aku tak tau :) Budak kelas aku yang dekan ada 8 orang. Chek Ku, Ustaz, Ariff, Kumar Ane :D, Che Han the TK, Mini, Mala dan Geetha :D

Okaybye assalamualaikum haha :D

It's Me


Hola world :) miss me ey? Nope? Then go somewhere else and get drowned hahaha kidding. Jangan la amek hati. Tak manis okay? :) Wanna share a song. Jiwang? No. It's just a lovely song :)

I love you, I love you, I love you
Even if I say it a thousand times, it’s not enough
I miss you, I miss you – each moment
that I miss you, I miss you more

I call you and call you and call you
and your face keeps floating up
If I hope and hope and hope,
will you know how I feel someday?

It’s me who only knows you
the person who will only love you is me
It’s because meeting you
was like a miracle to me

It’s me who only wants you
the person who will only protect you is me
It’s me who is only
looking at you by your side, a fool

I draw out your face – will I
see you in my dreams when I’m asleep?
If I want you and want you and want you,
will you know how I feel someday?

My heart is speaking,
it’s saying that it’s only you
I love you, I love you alone,
that’s me

This love story is only for you to hear
A story about how I loved only one person
Keep it for yourself – this love
that no one knows about, it’s me

I’m singing this love song only for you
A song that can be heard only by you
It’s me who will always sing you this
love song for only you

Take care, assalamualaikum.

Ender's Game


Hola. It's been urm just few days since my last post kan? Haha maklum la. Lappy depan mata kauuu *gaya mak nyah*. Seharusnya tidaklah saya melepaskan peluang 'menghapdet' blog. Ye tak? Haha tak kelakar. Jom proceed. Aku dah tak terer nak buat intro panjang panjang sebab dah tak tau nak cakap apa. Lalalalala~

Okay hari ni kami hang out. Kami tu siapa? Dah kami mesti la ada aku kan? Aku, Diba, Nad, Moon, Te'a dan Nana. Sebelum tu ada Term dengan Wana tapi diaorang dah balik sebab tak nak tengok movie. Aku join diaorang pun lambat. Masa diaorang nak tengok movie tu la baru aku join. So kitaorang tengok movie. Movie tajuk Ender's Game. Best okay movie ni. Tak rugi tengok :) try la. Asa Butterfield played as Ender Wiggin. He's sooooo handsome okay :P *tak masal hahaha* dan dia sangat pandai dalam movie ni. Tapi bak kata Moon, bukan dia yang pandai tapi script writer tu huahahaa Moon dengki. Sepak kang!! *mata bersinar penuh kebencian sambil mengetap gigi kegeraman kahkahkah sadis okay XD*. Try tengok la. Best.

Lepas date dengan Butterfield kitaorang pergi mencekik kat food court BPM tu *peace sambil buat muka comel*. Time tu Biha dengan Tiqa pulak join kitaorang. Makan sekali la. Tu je la cerita kami hanging out bersama haha meh sini aku bagi synopsis movie ni :) credit to Uncle Google :) err agak panjang. Tapi detail ye :D Enjoy ~

Ender Wiggin, the third in a family of child geniuses, is selected by international military forces to save the world from destruction. Before being chosen Ender wears a unique monitor that allows the heads of the military to see things as Ender does. Ender's brother Peter and his sister Valentine also wore this monitor, although neither was selected, nor did they have it for as long as Ender, and Peter will never forgive Ender for this. Peter hates Ender, and even when the monitor is taken out it does nothing to decrease Peter's anger. The same is true of Ender's schoolmates, and he is forced into brutally beating the leader of a gang of bullies in order to protect himself. Although Valentine tries to protect Ender from Peter, he is only saved from his brother when Colonel Graff of the International Fleet comes to take Ender away to Battle School. Ender leaves behind Valentine, who loves him, in order to help save the world from the buggers.
Battle School is located on a ship far from earth. On the flight there Ender demonstrates his ability to brilliantly visualize gravitational effects, and Graff begins to isolate him from his fellow classmates. Ender lives with the new recruits, called Launchies. He makes a few friends among the recruits and ends his isolation, although his brilliance will never cease causing resentment. Inside the battleroom, Ender figures out how to maneuver in null gravity, along with another recruit named Alai. Ender and Alai become friends, and this helps Ender fit in with the rest of the group. Ender manages to get farther in one of the computer games, called the mind game, than anyone ever had before him, and although he does not know, the military commanders take notice.
Ender is abruptly promoted to Salamander Army. There Ender is befriended by Petra Arkanian, the only girl in the army. The army commander, Bonzo Madrid, does not like Ender and does not want him around. Ender practices with Petra and begins to teach his launch group what he knows. Ender helps the army by disobeying Bonzo, who hates Ender, but fortunately Ender is traded to Rat Army. Ender is put in Dink Meeker's platoon. Dink is an excellent toon leader, and Ender does well in battles. He continues teaching his Launchies, even though this causes resentment among other soldiers. Ender gets into a fight and he hurts four older boys who attack him. It is clear to Ender that the teachers are leaving him to fend for himself.
Meanwhile, Peter has convinced Valentine that it is time for them to assert themselves. Peter has unlimited ambition, and he is intelligent enough to try to manipulate world events. Valentine agrees to work with him because she wants their impact to be a positive one. Disguised on the information networks they soon begin to exert an influence. By this time Ender is nine years old and a platoon leader in Phoenix Army under Petra's command. Everyone respects his brilliance and his practice sessions are attended by many, but he is depressed and is stuck in the mind game. Colonel Graff comes to visit Valentine and has her write Ender a letter. The memory of Valentine helps Ender to ground himself, and he is able to continue on in the mind game, which is a great relief to his teachers.
Ender is made commander of Dragon Army and given a group of soldiers, most of them Launchies. The smallest one, Bean, is very bright and precocious, much like Ender was, and Bean proves his mettle in practice sessions. Ender's army is given an unprecedented number of battles to face, with advantages given to the enemies, and he wins every one. Each toon of his army acts as an independent unit, and this revolutionizes battleroom strategy. Bonzo is humiliated when Ender beats him. Bonzo attacks Ender in the shower room and Ender beats him, brutally, because he was forced to. Ender is then transferred out of Battle School to Command School.
The authorities figured out Valentine and Peter's actions but have decided to leave them alone. Valentine visits Ender while he is given a brief vacation, and it is clear that things have changed between them. Graff takes Ender to Eros, the planet that holds the International Fleet command, and there Ender is introduced to Mazer Rackham, the hero of the second bugger invasion, who saved mankind. Rackham runs Ender through a series of simulated battles, where he now commands an entire fleet. Ender learns that the buggers are like highly evolved insects and they communicate instantaneously—their queen thinks for all of them. Ender begins having strange dreams about the buggers. He fights more and more difficult battles and one day fights a huge battle against impossible odds with many officers watching. Ender wins, at great cost, and it becomes apparent that it was a real battle, as were all of his supposedly simulated battles, and that he completely destroyed the buggers. Ender was used, and he knows it, as do his teachers, but they explain that they needed him, a child, to have the compassion to understand the enemy. At the same time they needed him to think it was a game in order to be able to win with such great loss of life.
Peter has taken over control of the world and Valentine convinces Ender to set off with her on a colonization mission to populate the worlds left behind by the buggers. Before he goes Ender learns that he did killed Bonzo as well as the bully back in school. On the new planet Ender finds an area that he realizes looks just like the mind game and he realizes that the buggers had prepared for his coming—they had looked into his mind and knew he would defeat them. He finds a queen pupa, left behind for him to find a place for the buggers to live again. Ender can think to the queen, and sees that the buggers did not truly wish to fight the humans and feels their sorrow for all that happens. Ender decides to make it his mission to find a place for the buggers to live.

Padan muka ko pening baca tu kahkahh. There's bit different from real movie. Part Peter dengan Valentine up to something tu takde pun sebenarnya. Scene cut kut. Tapi jalan cerita Ender tetap sama :) Whatever it is, memang agak kesian kat buggers tu. Thanks. That's all for today. I'm off. Assalamualaikum.
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